Our Family Motto

"We can survive anything...we are an Army Family!"

December 7, 2008

California Vacation

We just got back from a week in California. It was a fun-filled week, and also tiring. We did the normal things...went to Disneyland, the beach, and Sea World. The good news is...it was a good time of the year to go, not too many people around and it was nice and cool. L.A. was an adventure, especially driving around in rush hour traffic... but we survived and we are glad to be back in Utah.


Bojana said...

O, Disneyland, to pa je posebna izkušnja! Sem bila pred nekaj leti tam in upam, da ga bom nekoč še enkrat doživljala skozi otroške oči...

Em&Em said...

It sounds like you guys had a great time in California. My girls absolutely love American girl dolls. Rebbecca looks like she is having a blast.

Melissa said...

What cute pictures! That's a trip that I would like to take one day, hopefully sooner rather than later. I have never seen what American girl dolls looks like. I think that looks like lots of fun. Thanks for sharing!

The Bergant Family said...

Looks like so much fun! I'm glad you traveled safely there and back. Of course, you can add us to your list. I'd love to add you too. I really like the sidebar because then I can see when it was last updated and it saves me lots of time!